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Tuition Deposit and Payment Policy

Tuition Deposit and Payment Policy

Applicants will be notified in writing of the Admissions Committee’s decision regarding their application following receipt and review of all information and materials. Upon notification of acceptance, a non-refundable tuition deposit of $200 (US dollars) is required to secure a place in the program. The tuition deposit will be applied to the first trimester tuition.

As the Chicago College of Oriental Medicine has not been approved for financial aid, students must be able to provide evidence of financial resources or access to financial resources sufficient to complete their education. The college expects accepted students to pay each trimester in advance of starting or prepare a payment plan to have tuition prorated and paid prior to completion of any given trimester.

The Chicago College of Oriental Medicine Tuition and Fees

Effective May 1, 2023


Cost per Credit Hour (All Programs)$360.00

Total Tuition per Program

Master’s Degree in Acupuncture (8 Semesters)

Regular Tuition$44,136.00
With Early Bird Discount (10% Off) $39,722.40
Pay-in-Full Discount (50% Off) $22,068.00

Master’s Degree in Oriental Medicine (9 Semesters)

Regular Tuition$57,456.00
With Early Bird Discount (20% Off) $45,964.80
Pay-in-Full Discount (50% Off)$28,728.00

Estimated Books and Supplies Expenses

Master’s Degree in Acupuncture$3,200.00
Master’s Degree in Oriental Medicine$3,600.00

Other Fees

Application Fee$50.00
Background Check Fee$30.00
Library Fee$25.00 per semester
Insurance Fee$50.00 per semester
Ventra Fee$155.00 per semester
Master’s Tuition Deposit$200.00
CPR / First Aid Certification (paid to provider)$150.00
Graduation Fee$100.00
Late Tuition Fees$25


  Discount Rules

Discount TypeDetails
Early Bird DiscountAvailable for students who register and pay tuition by the early deadline. (June 2025)
Pay-in-Full DiscountApplies only when tuition is paid in full before the program starts.
Discount CombinationDiscounts cannot be combined (students must choose either Early Bird or Pay-in-Full).

Tuition is quoted on a trimester basis and must be paid in advance unless other arrangements have been made. Trimester tuition is due and payable on or before the first day of each trimester. Deposits and down payments shall become a part of the tuition. Students are protected against tuition increases as long as they attend school without interruption. Current tuition rates will be charged for training repeated, for any reason, to complete the program. This refund policy will be applied to any student who has a tuition obligation.

CCOM’s Refund Policy
CCOM’s refund policy has been constructed to balance students’ occasional needs to change their education plans with the college’s financial investment in providing the educational services required.

Students should be aware that timely notice of cancellation or withdrawal is essential to securing the maximum refund. Students must take care to notify the college as soon as possible regarding their intention either to cancel their enrollment contract or withdraw from the college.

Prior to Start of Classes
All monies paid by the student, including the application fee, will be refunded in full provided the student cancels within three business days (up to midnight of the third day excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays) after the student received final written notice of acceptance or signed the enrollment agreement, whichever occurred last. Additionally, if the student withdraws after three business days, yet prior to the first day of classes, all monies paid will be refunded in full. All refunds will be made within ten business days of any notice of cancellation.

A student’s intent to withdraw may be written or provided orally. Written notices of withdrawal are recommended and should be addressed to:

Dr. Frank Yurasek
President / Chief Operating Officer
The Chicago College of Oriental Medicine
180 N Michigan Ave, Suite 1919
Chicago, IL, 60601

Cancellation Policy
A student’s enrollment agreement will be considered cancelled, and all monies paid by the applicant will be refunded if, prior to the beginning of classes:

  1. The school did not provide the prospective student with a copy of the student’s valid enrollment agreement and a current catalog or bulletin;
  2. The school cancels or discontinues the course of instruction in which the student has enrolled;
  3. The school fails to conduct classes on days or times scheduled, detrimentally affecting the student;
  4. The applicant presents medical evidence of inability to participate in the program;
  5. The college does not accept the applicant;
  6. The college cancels the agreement.

After Commencement of Class
If a student withdraws prior to the eight week of class, tuition will be calculated from the last date of attendance. A notification to withdraw may be either orally or in writing. The written withdrawal is preferred and should be mailed or delivered by hand to the attention of:

Dr. Frank Yurasek
President / Chief Operating Officer
The Chicago College of Oriental Medicine
180 N Michigan Ave, Suite 1919
Chicago, IL, 60601

Students may also be withdrawn by the college for failing to attend class. This is a constructive withdrawal and occurs when a student fails to attend class for ten consecutive scheduled class days without providing an explanation regarding the absences to the college’s administration. The date of the tenth consecutive absence will be the date of withdrawal.

If a student terminates or withdraws from training, tuition will be refunded as follows:

If the student withdrawsCCOM will refund
Week 190%
Week 280%
Week 370%
Week 460%
Week 550%
Week 650%
Week 740%
Week 8 and afterNo tuition will be refunded

Refund Policy for Discounted Programs (Early Bird & Pay-in-Full)

If the student withdrawsCCOM will refund
Before the program start date75% of the paid tuition
Week 150%
Week 240%
Week 330%
Week 420%
Week 5 and afterNo tuition will be refunded

Deposits and down payments will become a part of the tuition.

Payment Plans
The Chicago College of Oriental Medicine will tailor payment plans to fit student needs. Plans may be made for weekly, monthly, or trimester payments. All payments must be made in advance of the period for payment and must be paid as agreed to in the plan.

Agreements may be made to extend payments beyond completion of the program in which the student is enrolled. Please see the president to establish an extended payment plan.

If the student is interested in personal loans, the college has available a list of banks that the prospective student may visit to inquire about the possibility of obtaining a loan.

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